Transformational Life Coaching

Transformational life coaching will help you recognize your values, identity, and purpose — creating long-term and lasting change. This is not a band-aid, patch-like, get better/richer fast deal. Fundamentally you will experience the changes in the coaching sessions through a shift in your thoughts, attitudes and actions.

It requires very little effort to settle for the same-old same-old. Change can be challenging because we can go on autopilot which keeps us locked into past patterns.

It’s tempting to stay parked in the ‘That’s-Just-How-It-Is’ zone. 

But transforming your life?

That requires courage, commitment, and effort.

That’s why having a life coach is such a good idea when taking on life transformation.

Transformational life coaching is available via one on one sessions or through group sessions.

To get to the really good stuff in life, you have to be willing to become a trailblazer, explorer, and adventurer.  Breaking barriers and limitations requires curiosity and focus to recognize that which is deeply embedded and has been in the background of your consciousness for such a long time they have become invisible to you in the ‘That’s-Just-How-It-Is’, same-old same-old auto-pilot zone.

"Why not go out on a limb?
That's where the fruit is."
~ Mark Twain

Life coaching fundamentally impacts on all of ‘who you are’.  It enables you to have a different relationship with yourself — how you see, think, feel, and behave in situations as well as in your interactions with others.

Instead of chasing opportunities that might make you feel your best, start chasing your best self!

Simply put, transformational coaching focuses on enabling self-actualization. Far more than ‘options-strategy-action’ to attain goals or clarity or to get better at something. Transformational life coaching dives deep into an individual’s world-view, focusing on who that person is and who they desire to become. Transformational coaching is therefore an ontological approach because it is about ‘being’ rather than just ‘doing.’

Do you find yourself competing in a race you realize you never wanted to be in?

Find your own lane instead and win!

Benefits of Transformational Coaching:

Explore where your strengths are and the areas that you want to focus on to improve. We often lack the time and support to think about ourselves. Give yourself the luxury of getting to know yourself a little better! Oh sure, we often think we know ourselves really well, until we realize how much we don’t see or outright ignore that may call our attention outside of our cozy little comfort zone. Have you built a prison instead of a fortress?

Through building self-awareness you increase your empathy towards others and yourself. This allows you to put yourself into other people’s shoes and see other’s perspectives, even when you disagree. ‘One right approach’ or ‘one right way of doing things’ is often not the way to go.

We often don’t allow ourselves time to think, and actually, it’s the reflection time that really gives us insight about what’s working for us and what isn’t. Learn to practice reflecting on what’s gone well, what you could do better, and what you’re proud of.

Make the connections between things that may seem unrelated. Is there a link between issues in one part of your life that impacts your other parts or your life as a whole? Pick out patterns or themes that can help you reframe your perspective. You could gain powerful insight that drives the change you want.

Developing skills that can be applied equally to your personal life as in your professional life are invaluable. This is not only about working on one or two specific areas of your life but more so working with the whole person that you are.

Alone, you might think of one or two ways of approaching things. With a coach, you’re challenged to explore many other options and ways of seeing and doing things. This allows you to move forward at times you feel you are stuck without options.

Most of us like to do what we’re good at. It’s comfortable and it’s what we know. Actually, the real learning is when we stretch those boundaries and try new things. That’s where the magic happens!

Where do you want to be? What are your dreams? Identify what your goals are, what limiting barriers/beliefs are in the way of getting there, and how to create and achieve your goals.

As you see the successes you’re having, identifying and celebrating them will help you feel more motivated and push you to tackle more and do better.

From emotional intelligence and reflection, to creative problem solving and self-awareness, these tools will help you in your journey to be truly more than you were before. You will  even inspire and motivate others, passing on what you’ve learned to help them to grow.

Book a Life Coaching Session

Work one on one via Zoom for 90 minutes with your dream life coach to discover, understand, and transform what is specifically holding you back from living the life of your dreams. 

Requirements* Free Zoom account with installed app, web camera, and microphone.

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