Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Technical Details: Joining a Zoom Meeting

How to join a Zoom meeting on the desktop client

How to join a Zoom meeting on the mobile app

How to join a Zoom meeting on a web browser

How to join a Zoom meeting through other methods

How to join a meeting with the Zoom web client

Join a Zoom meeting without downloading the app

Prerequisites for joining a virtual meeting via Zoom

Each meeting has a unique 9, 10, or 11-digit number called a meeting ID that will be required to join a Zoom meeting.

If you are joining by telephone, you will need the teleconferencing number provided in the invite.

Show a “Join from your browser” link enabled

Technical Details: Calendar Invites

Mobile Calendar Invite

As you can see in the screen shot of a calendar invitation on a mobile phone it is very straight forward. Use your finger to click on the Yes button at the bottom to accept the invitation, respond to your host, and to add it to your calendar if you use a digital calendar via Google, Outlook, iCal, etc.

The other mouse icons on the screenshot denote the links that you can use to join the Zoom meeting on the date and time defined in the invitation as seen near the top of the screen.

Note* On some devices the Join Zoom Meeting button or links may be hidden in a drop down menu depending on the calendar software used by your device.

Click image to enlarge.

Desktop Calendar Invite

As you can see in the screen shot of a calendar invitation on a desktop computer it is very straight forward. Use your mouse to click on the Going? drop down menu  and select Yes to accept the invitation, respond to your host, and to add it to your calendar if you use a digital calendar via Google, Outlook, iCal, etc.

The other mouse icons on the screenshot denote the links that you can use to join the Zoom meeting on the date and time defined in the invitation as seen near the top of the screen.

Note* This screen shot is taken from a Google Calendar and may look differently on Outlook, iCal, and other calendar programs, but it should be similar in terms of details and functionality. On some devices the Join Zoom Meeting button or links may be hidden in a drop down menu depending on the calendar software used by your device.

Click image to enlarge.

Transformational Coaching in a Nutshell

Focus: Be Different

  • Being-focused
  • Dives below the surface
  • Get to the essentials
  • Space of shadow and light
  • Illuminates one’s ‘inner operating system’

Intent: To explore new ways of being and what it takes to embody them.

Premise: An expanded or shifted way of being generates the desired results and outcomes.

Coaching Questions & Answers

A – Transformational coaching will help you recognize your values, identity and purpose, which is necessary for creating long-term, lasting change. These are not band-aid, patch-like, get better/richer fast deals. Fundamentally you will experience the changes in the coaching sessions through the experience of new possibilities, new ways of thinking not only about ’things’ but most importantly, about yourself, your self worth and much more. Almost like you’re becoming a new ‘being’, which is the reason you wanted to stop being the old same-old same-old you in the first place.

Transformational coaching is aimed at unlocking your potential by focusing on self-awareness, alignment and implementation strategies. The purpose is to identify a reason for behavioural change and recognize and understand the benefits.

Transactional coaching rests on the premise that a person will uncover what they need to and move forward in meaningful ways based on their existing way of being. Thus, nothing really needs to be explored nor shifted at the level of being in order for desired outcomes to be achieved. 

Transformational coaching, on the other hand, rests on the premise that an expanded or shifted way of being—and the recognition of thoughts, perceptions, feelings, emotions — are necessary to uncover what is needed.

A – Although coaching programmes can vary in length, they typically consist of 10 or so sessions, each being approximately 90 minutes in duration on average held every two or three weeks. Average programmes are completed in 4 to 6 months.

A – Our approach is laid back yet structured and focused on the development of individuals.

Our 5-point methodology ensures the achievement of personal development goals aligned to your personal objectives:

  • 1) Agreement of Individual’s needs – To ensure maximum benefit and provide the basis for measuring success
  • 2) Engagement – Diagnostic/Discovery tool process to ensure that each individual is aware of their strengths and weaknesses 
  • 3) Contracting with client – To agree to parameters, key activities and outcomes
  • 4) Evaluation and Measurement – On-going review and feedback 
  • 5) Closure – Measurements of outcomes and agreement of next steps

How to Book a Life Coaching Session

It’s really easy. Use the request form and your life coach will contact you to book a session.

Work one on one via Zoom for 90 minutes with your dream life coach to discover, understand, and transform what is specifically holding you back from living the life of your dreams. After book sessions in real-time and you will receive a confirmation with Zoom event details via email.

Requirements* Free Zoom account with installed app, web camera, and microphone.