Group Life Coaching Special Offer

It’s All About Your Mindset!

This Ancient Wisdom book, combined with dream life coaching, is crafted to collaborate and offer you the optimal chance to transform the life of your dreams into reality.

$10 for the First Month of Group Coaching and E-book Gift

Join our 90-minute weekly dream life coaching sessions, six days a week, afternoons and evenings (some exceptions apply). Work directly with a dream life coach and up to nine others on a path of self mastery. Gain the power of guided masterminding and group support as you evolve your mindset and manifest the life of your dreams.

How it works

The book along with group dream life coaching work together to help you with changing your mindset by identifying and shifting limiting beliefs/convictions that work for you instead of against your own interest.

The Purpose of this book and group coaching

Creating a new mindset towards your Fulfillment, Happiness, Freedom and Health.

Success Stories

The period of the life for women 40+ years of age has been described as a particularly difficult period of transition. Many women experience multiple social, psychological, career, and biological challenges. This has been made even more evident in the wake of the Pandemic.

Here are some examples of how Group Dream Life Coaching, guided by Serge Grandbois, has assisted others with achieving more Self-Mastery.

Recovery from a Divorce: When I started working with Serge, I didn’t know what to expect since I never worked with a Life Coach before. I found myself newly divorced after 25 years of marriage as a stay at home mom and wife. I was confused and uncertain about my future. To say I was a mess is putting it mildly. I didn’t know where to turn or what to do. Serge helped me find my focus, manage my feelings, emotions and state of mind. I found a new sense of direction, something I had never thought I’d need at this stage of my life. I was doggedly determined to come out of this situation whole and resilient. Now I have a deep focus and my own small and fulfilling home based business and I'm enjoying myself in a way I had never thought possible.

Fran S

Beyond Empty Nester: When my kids were all grown up and left home to go study to start out their own lives, I thought I knew all there was to know about the ‘empty nest’ syndrome’ and being prepared for it, until it became personal. There I was, no more children at home… and that sinking feeling that I didn’t know I could have any other purpose in life. I felt “empty” and unsure about everything. Working with Serge as my coach was like discovering a new world, a new me and I began to see this new world as a bazaar of opportunities. Not looking back is a wonderful sense of fulfillment.

Lizbeth M

Career Rewritten: I lost my job at the onset of the pandemic and even though I applied to so many places, nothing was forthcoming. I started resigning myself to the idea that being older, I was likely destined to feel useless, unwanted, even disappointed with my life. Serge helped me find new confidence in myself and focus on reviving one of my childhood passions and dreams of becoming a writer. Serge also helped me understand how my own ideas about my self worth were likely an impediment. In spite of my own fears of failure (because most people I knew early in life had told me I would fail) I took creative writing classes and realized I was not only good at putting my thoughts together, I was becoming alive in ways I hadn’t thought possible. I’m not looking to get a Nobel Prize for writing, but to enjoy the process and have faith in my own abilities.

Margaret R

Left Work for Passion: When I was younger my first love was music, playing the piano specifically. When I became a young adult my parents insisted I must give up any childish ways, become real and make money so I would be happy. Yes, I made lots of money in the Corporate world. However after several years, I became deeply aware that something was not right, a dark brooding feeling like something inside me was dying. Against all rational thoughts I returned to my first love. I was frightened and felt I had betrayed my parents. Working with Serge as my coach and after much perseverance and practice, I am the happiest I’ve ever been and find life to be a new adventure waiting to be discovered. I did make the right choice.

Lara Y

Our Special Group Offer

Our group coaching sessions have been designed at a great discount clear across the board for cost effectiveness. Coaching sessions, private or in groups are usually in the thousands. Our Super Introductory offer is for $10 CAD per session (four sessions) for the first month. After the first month, they are $100 CAD per person. All prices are in Canadian dollars. Nobody in the industry offers this, and most think we are insane for offering this. Yet, here we are. If you must know, that’s the kind of insanity I like.

Our private, individual sessions start at $100CAD/month. You get the same benefits as the group sessions minus the power of guided masterminding and group support as you evolve your mindset and begin manifesting the life of your dreams. Take advantage of our great special group offer. 

What do you have to lose?

Let me tell you: limiting assumptions, self-disapproving mindsets, fear of change, fear of life, those pestering mind monkeys that criticize (inner critic) and create anxiety and much more.

What do you have to gain? A well managed mindset that works for your Fulfillment, Happiness, Freedom, Holistic Health and more. In other words, Self-Mastery!