Serge Grandbois
Success Stories > Release of Emotional & Physical Symptoms
A young man and young woman, unrelated and unknown to each other, needed to try and resolve issues due to health and digestion, notably IBS. These two cases may be atypical. After some discovery information it was found that they both had some trauma issues relating to a parent figure, were very self-disapproving of themselves, low self esteem, lack in self confidence and so on.
Approaching these issues from the ground up, using various methods like visualization, NLP and others, they came to realize that as the weeks went by, their original issues (emotional and physical) seemed to lessen to the point where they could no longer identify with either their old selves nor their initial symptoms and they felt they were able to go on with their lives.
Serge Grandbois
Success Stories > Healed & Neutralized Fear
An early middle aged man came for help in dealing with fear of flying, thus impeding his work, which needed him to fly on the regular. After some discovery work and beginning to deal with the fear of flying, it surfaced that fear of flying was not the issue.
It was a type of claustrophobia where he was sensing a fear of being ‘trapped’ in this long metal tube of an airplane.
Once we began work on this issue, he opened up emotionally and recognized that as a kid, his older sibling would often prank him, one time trapping him in a long narrow metal box with no immediate way out. After this emotional memory was healed and neutralized, he was a changed person and looked forward to flying.
Serge Grandbois
Success Stories > Acknowledge, Address & Accept
A woman in her early forties came seeking help. She was experiencing several challenges, both in her work as well as her marriage. She explained that her and her husband were at each other’s throats more than not lately, the whole experience becoming emotionally straining and causing her to have such strong migraines she’d be unable to work and sometimes bed ridden for entire days. This was starting to spill over into her job. It was to the point where they were thinking they might be better off divorcing in spite of still loving each other.
After many questions to see what was going on, she recognized that it stemmed back to her childhood, with both her parents doing the exact same thing, yet unable to divorce each other and stayed together, becoming resentful, bitter older people. She recognized that her present life was beginning to mirror her own childhood experience with her parents.
She had internalized this, assuming she was responsible (as children often do) for what happened to her parents, something which she dearly needed to acknowledge, address and then accept herself on a different platform to be able to heal and move past this.
Serge Grandbois
Success Stories > Acknowledge, Address & Accept
A woman in her mid-thirties needed help with what she described as ‘stage fright’. She really needed to get past this as she was going to be the lead solo singer for a choir performance in front of a large audience. When she was just part of the choir in the background, nearly unnoticed she was fine. Now that she was going to be in the spotlight, it bothered her to the point of being physically ill, sometimes vomiting. In the course of working on several fronts, she discovered that when she was younger, she had been mildly overweight and had often been bullied and made fun of in school, her bullies delighting in humiliating her in front of others particularly because of her weight. This memory opened up a great deal of suppressed emotional pain involving issues of self worth and confidence, especially in front of others. This had become a theme in most of her life. Having this recognition greatly helped in freeing herself up to transform into the person she herself had always suppressed for fear of being ridiculed and/or humiliated.
She was suddenly looking forward to exploring who she was that had been hidden before because she was playing it safe, protecting herself from enemies that no longer existed.
Each person is different yet in each of these and countless other real life examples, it was not just a matter of ‘fixing’ a small problem. Of course I shortened what transpired, but rest assured, so much more was involved. Fundamentally there was a deeper transformation of the person – from whom they no longer wanted to be, into discovering who they could be in a deeper, more meaningful creative and empowered way.